Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mad Cow Epidemic To Blame For Sports Commentator's Words

Scientists today in a laboratory, probably wearing white coats have found troubling evidence of an epidemic scouring the brains of our most treasured talking heads—sports announcers. Mad Cow disease it seems was the true cause of “March Madness” this year.

The first indicators came not long after the start of the NCAA tournament and were misunderstood at first. Many questioned the numerous examples of inane or nonsensical commentary and skeptics cited an archive of bloopers, idiotic comments and powerfully dumb statements to argue that it was all business as usual.

"Bad Cholesterol Pass"...what does that mean?

Longhorn Steakhouse just outside Huston was where the unsuspecting sports commentators chose to masticate the remains of the diseased animal they had unwisely chosen earlier that day. Doctors say that the disease doesn’t normally destroy a person’s brain which such alacrity but “there just wasn’t much there, incredible”.

Greg Gumble “the pretty one” was last seen staring blankly into the camera groping his own hair before trying to dribble his microphone running into the Texas night. If you see him authorities advise you to speak in slow calming sentences pausing for awkward laughter every few seconds.


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